Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Welcome Back to D-Town

So there I am, feeling like I need to check my e-mail, in the midst of a 1-1 ballgame. Jamie Wright is pitching well, and the Rockies offense is making solid contact, it's looking like a good game in the making. Then I come back, ask pop what happened, and learned (not to my surprise) that Jamie had given up back-to-back homers. But that's okay, it's just 3-1, and we're good at playing catchup. Plus, I'm hungry and a Quesadilla is calling to me.

Long story short, I get back from my Quesdilla-making only to see Byrnes make a stunning diving miss on an insideout liner (though props for trying), allowing in another run to make the game 7-1. Now it's 9-1, and Carvajal's just allowed a 2-run double by the backup catcher. I guess it's just the Rockies welcoming me back from a 5-week break from glorious Rockies baseball.

Thanks, guys, I missed you too.


P.S. I'd like to send a shoutout to my co-blogger Sam "The Brick" Handler for his excellent work during my hiatus. Wow, he's such a better blogger than I.


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